Good Day to you. I am totally stoked about the future of my Shine and Shade business. I have been in reconstruction mode lately and have found a great connection with synergy solutions. His mentor ship is so valuable I can't even begin here to tell you. If you meet me you may think to yourself mmmmm he's still the same Andy if you ask me... But inside I really do feel different and look at life a bit different as well. Did you know there is a way we can get 3 mins back for every min we invest in our business if we do the right things? Also I want to ask you. What is your biggest Challenge in life? In any area. We know that God is the giver of Peace and happiness but if we let our small business run our life we will lose the vision of exactly why we are here at this time and place in life. If we find our business has got us fixed into a habit of bad thinking, it may take hard work and self denial to break that habit. I remember when I was a young boy and my parents wanted me to stop sucking my fingers. Kinda embarrassing to tell this but I know how hard it was to break that habit and it took the help of the leadership of father and mother to get out of the grip it had on me. Small things in life can overpower us if we let them take control. If you want to share your greatest challenge with me or a friend it may help you break that chain that has so much strength and binding power. Also if you feel some of the same feelings I've been and want to know more email me and will set up a time to talk. It's free and to talk, always.