Saturday, March 17, 2012
Satisfied with what you got

We have just got our steam cleaner back from a annual tune up and some other new tricks to pull out of the hat to make those water marks and coffee stains in your sport seating go away for good. Your car driving away clean will make you feel more successful and enjoy your investment. Instead of feeling like your car is falling apart and you've wasted your money. Honestly with my 98 Chevy I've owned for 12 years now- keeping it clean and in top shape really saves me money. Some times when I see a newer truck I get the fever... It's hard to understand that impulsive desire instilled in us by all the advertising and good deals on a car we don't have. If you pay close attention to your feelings and keep a tight grip on what you already have you will soon realize its not a new car that brings happiness but stability with less spending and drama. You will notice too that when shopping for a different car you get this gripping feeling once at a dealership that if you don't buy that vehicle today its the last good deal you'll find... do you really think so because next week when you buy it you'll notice another truck or car that really fits the need better and a better price tag attached. A salesmans job in any line of business is to paint you a picture that what you don't have will bring satisfaction and happiness. - NOT TRUE!! Success and happiness is found before you pursue your next goal whatever that may be. If you don't place this in proper order you will lead an unfulfilled and empty life. You may not even be aware of this state of mind because one can become accustomed to habit of always spending or having to go to the next event or get your next fix living for the weekend as some songs are written. What about today I love today as even I have to work. It's sad it took the first 10 years of my married life to see it this way. Now I will not look back and regret the past anymore... if I do I will miss out on today. Its called peace. The only way to find this stability and peace is Put God first, then your family and there needs and God will fill your needs with out you even trying to do it. See when we live for others then Gods in control and I don't have to look for my next blessing or purchase to make me happy He wants to give me good gifts. But if I put me first like so many people say then I look for my own satisfaction, selfish is the word.
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