Today's quote...
Laziness may look inviting but only work gives you true satisfaction.
-Ann Frank-
So love your work or let it love you- I don't care have and affair with every day you spend behind the wheel of every deal. Each sale you do is just the beginning not the end of a brand new friend. CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE FOR THE DETAILING MENU.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
Detail shop or butcher shop?
If in the detailing world you soon fall into one of 2 categories - one being the cheapest and fastest in town or the one (which I prefer) the best/most careful attention to details sort of guy.
In order to define what sort of shop you want to be you have to define who you want to work for and how you want to live.
In my opinion If you want to be the cheapest that will definitely get you lots of work but be prepared to work long hard hours. Working fast is a key in any business be it construction, on a loading dock, or in a mechanic shop but you cannot put enough emphasis on careful in the detailing field. In finding your kind of client you need to fit there needs. If its a car dealer you will in my opinion soon turn into the butcher style detailer as I have experienced and not enjoyed. They send you lots of uncared for cars and they are not owned by anyone individual so careful is not in most car dealerships requisites If you find one hang on to them and treat them right. If they treat you like you are a liability to them and only cost them money- dump them like a dirty shirt. you will find yourself doing things to cars that make you feel funny,bad, like your not concerned how long the paint will last or if the leather is conditioned.
You are the one who creates your customer field by the way you represent your store and your prices. After you have 10 happy raving fans your path becomes golden- maybe not so much with 15 cars lined up outside your door but with 5 good paying well kept vehicles. This in turn is better profits - with less product use and shorter hours per vehicle and happier clients. Giving away a courtesy express wash is easy and a nice gift for one of your clients in return for a good referral.
Be available in the detailing industry is important too. Today is sunny tomorrow is not. Next week it will snow and the next is bills, Christmas, or the washing machine broke down.
Make your family come first you only get one shot with your 4 yr old to show him how to ride bike and draw pictures with him. They don't understand that you think work is more important. If you've over reached your abilities to make ends meet, simplify your life- its too short to miss and you can't buy it back. Mama is waiting for you to get there and she has supper on the table.
Customers are important and you should always sympathize with them but never be a push over and stick you your word they will respect you for it. Your price was fair the first time you quoted and cheaper needs to be educated that it can be done only by reducing the service provided. If not done so before the sale you both will feel cheated and disappointing.
Yes we often over deliver but only the easy little things like a quick paint touch up or a fabric gard on the carpets.
Keeping up your image as a class act not a hack is where you find the most rewarding work. You also are not a fly by night. The guys that win customers by price are gone as soon as there is a better paying job. Not to mention what they do to your vehicle to make it look good and not to make it last longer.
tell Renny Andy sent you.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Also we are once again running newsletters so go to the contact us page add yourself to get inside tips and discounts on our services. Have a good day and thanks for reading :)
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Let er buck
Its been awhile since I've seen your face. I almost forgotten about you. I have been thinking about how I have become this master business starter and how I can dream up something that is totally great. I dream up a scheme that is going to work and make me the money that I feel my family needs and pay the bills and then some. Guess what, I already have some good things going for me, I was thinking about a bull rider at a rodeo, that's just what he is he goes to rodeo's to ride bulls. He don't just look at all the bulls from across the fence and say man if I make it a good ride and last 8 sec. I could make the big time. He doesn't say as soon as I get done riding a bull I'm gonna barrel race... no he gets ready for his next ride at the next show. He don't ride every bull they bring to the show, it only takes the one bull to make his game like no one else's. I have realized like a light came on inside my head that I don't need another line of work or another business to do I need to ride the bull that has been assigned to me and let er buck. So its time to strap on the spurs and ride. I would love to share with you in a personal interview of how the ride went after the show...
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Livin' in the big time
Detailing in 2012 has never been better. Our business has exploded and summer time is coming. We are excited to be getting the cars and trucks you drive everyday looking good and maintaining the quality. We have a sweet new method of interior cleaning that rocks out and smells good when were done. We have fought with cloth sport seating stains for quite some time and now we have the tricks out of the bag and using them to your advantage getting our seats and carpets cleaner than ever. We seem to be buffing allot lately covering motor homes, boats, and ambulance's. High definition shine is what we do and covering so much ground we get hands on many different products and getting the best results for each application. We do test spots on all vehicles before we apply polish and sealant to see how to best meet that vehicle's needs. Happy detailing to all... Come see us at Shine and Shade here in Omak Wa or visit us on the web
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Paint correction on BMW
Before After
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
May- Where did you come from? I have been so busy at my shop details are streaming through the door window tint is going on every new car we see and house tint? Picking up. What I wish we could sell more of is the Paint protection films. I absolutely am sold on the value and quality of the 3M film and how it can protect a vehicle. We have put out some bids but not many sales in this little hick town of Omak. I have this product even on my 98 Chevy I installed it right over the rock chips that were already there. I did touch them up a bit before the install. Looks awesome. This month we are working on a 911 detail project detailing 6 ambulance's for local lifeline. These are hard work as they keep them washed up well but the road grime from the winter and all the high speed runs they make each day has taken a toll on the exterior's condition. Even though I am a busy shop I always take time to research new products, marketing, and strategies on making our shop more advanced and cutting edge.
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Satisfied with what you got

We have just got our steam cleaner back from a annual tune up and some other new tricks to pull out of the hat to make those water marks and coffee stains in your sport seating go away for good. Your car driving away clean will make you feel more successful and enjoy your investment. Instead of feeling like your car is falling apart and you've wasted your money. Honestly with my 98 Chevy I've owned for 12 years now- keeping it clean and in top shape really saves me money. Some times when I see a newer truck I get the fever... It's hard to understand that impulsive desire instilled in us by all the advertising and good deals on a car we don't have. If you pay close attention to your feelings and keep a tight grip on what you already have you will soon realize its not a new car that brings happiness but stability with less spending and drama. You will notice too that when shopping for a different car you get this gripping feeling once at a dealership that if you don't buy that vehicle today its the last good deal you'll find... do you really think so because next week when you buy it you'll notice another truck or car that really fits the need better and a better price tag attached. A salesmans job in any line of business is to paint you a picture that what you don't have will bring satisfaction and happiness. - NOT TRUE!! Success and happiness is found before you pursue your next goal whatever that may be. If you don't place this in proper order you will lead an unfulfilled and empty life. You may not even be aware of this state of mind because one can become accustomed to habit of always spending or having to go to the next event or get your next fix living for the weekend as some songs are written. What about today I love today as even I have to work. It's sad it took the first 10 years of my married life to see it this way. Now I will not look back and regret the past anymore... if I do I will miss out on today. Its called peace. The only way to find this stability and peace is Put God first, then your family and there needs and God will fill your needs with out you even trying to do it. See when we live for others then Gods in control and I don't have to look for my next blessing or purchase to make me happy He wants to give me good gifts. But if I put me first like so many people say then I look for my own satisfaction, selfish is the word.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
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