Some people wonder what more can I get than a full detail priced at $185? If you are a perfectionist to began with I recommend our Platinum Detail Package. Chances are your car is kept pretty clean but it maybe lacks that total exterior gloss it once had. If your are wanting light scratches, spider web look removed,and a body armor that really works on your paint, we can deliver outstanding, satisfactory results. Within quality detailing it simply takes proper knowledge, skills, and equipment along side undivided attention... and time. This service is something you don't get in a hurry, its not a general cleaning either, its above and beyond.
Lately I have found myself underselling or more like overselling myself on a full detail only to find out when they pick it up its not what they thought they were getting. What about those hair line scratches? or that deep key scratch on my rear pass. door? Real high end details don't come without time invested as well as your dollar going to work for you. Sometimes you may have a vehicle that could be outstanding for the extra investment, you could be richly rewarded. We have the ability to make your ride all it can be...but we all play a game called show me the money and I'll work for you.
Here is my advice" never let price sway what your car deserves and results you can be satisfied with.Wouldn't you pay a little bit more at the store for something American made? I would. Its called seeing the value of your purchase and when you spend your hard earned dollar who is the eligible recipient. Even the wealthiest man I know will not spend his money unless he sees value. If you went to purchase high end sunglasses would you pay 15-30-or even 50 bucks? I wouldn't I want to pay three times that for sure! Did you know that Oakley sunglasses are hand crafted and have a warranty they stand behind. If you try a pair on I just sold you on some of the most expensive sunglasses on the market why, because isn't that awesome that so much time is invested into making one pair of glasses and if they back up there product that means they believe in what they sell is really good. You won't find a guarantee on a cheep product that amounts to anything. If you purchase an entry level detail, expect entry level results. If your car is really dirty and you go to the drive through wash you already know that the economy will not get it clean-its easy to upgrade one or two levels but, buying the best goes against our nature as we like to think we are frugile and responsable with our money. Truth is even the best drive through wash may not get it clean. Something we all know.
Every car we detail at our shop we have earned every dollar on it. We may have been able to do more had the client been willing to upgrade and I able to show the value of that higher level. We have detailed over 700 vehicles and worked on over a 1000 since we opened in March 2010 and not one have I felt guilty upon delivery. We are a value orientated shop just as you are a like minded individual. For me its food on the table and a bunch of hungry bunnies to feed and bedtime stories to read. Find time to shine in whatever you do.
http://www.shineandshade.com/ http://www.detailingsuccess.com/